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The Founder's Circle Award is the highest award of a Kappa Sigma Chapter, and recognizes the top percentile of FACE Award winning Chapters.
At the 74th Biennial Grand Conclave in Charlottesville, Virginia, Delta-Zeta won our first ever Founder's Circle Award, doing so with the highest score in the Fraternity. At the 2024 Leadership Conference in New Orleans, Delta-Zeta won a second Founder's Circle Award, doing so with maximum 118/118 FACE points.
The Founder's Award of Chapter Excellence (FACE) is the metric by which Chapters are measured for success in a variety of categories, from recruitment numbers to philanthropy dollars per man.
Delta-Zeta has won four FACE Awards in a row and are well on our way for a fifth.
Master of the Ritual is of the highest honors a Kappa Sigma can achieve, and entails memorizing every piece of Fraternal Ritual.
Our Chapter has ten Masters of the Ritual, with two undergraduate Masters: Brothers Rein Behlke and Jose Garcia.
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